Aliases: Jayme Langford at Met-Art, In The Crack, Digital Desire, Playboy Plus, Penthouse, Twistys, NuErotica, Jayme at FTV Girls, Jamye at Watch4Beauty, Vera at ALS Scan, Jamie at Breath Takers, Alana at Nubiles, Jasmine Jones, Robin Eve, Alana Langford, Robyn Eve, Jaime Langford, Jazmine Littlemutt
Jayme Langford is a 38 year old beautiful nude model from American.
Jayme Langford stands 5'3" tall, with blue eyes and when completely naked weighs in at 100lbs.
Jayme Langford is currently featured in 2 free nude picture galleries, with a total of 32 erotic nude photos in her nude model section here at Erotic Beauties, where her nude photos have been viewed over 105,451 times.
Country: American
Age: 38 /
Born: 1987
Eyes: Blue /
Hair: Red
Height: 5'3" /
Weight: 100 lbs
Breast Size: Small
Measurements: 34B-24-35