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I leave here some photos taken by Russian photographer Konstantin Makarchikov and I keep searching for more stuff... Alrincon's an insatiable being who's always hungry. What a monster I created.
Davide Rizzo, born in Palermo, Sicily, has lived in several countries, but it was in Paris where he found his style and refined his photographic vision. His main focus is model photography, working with both professionals and amateurs, with a strong preference for black and white. This is no coincidence—he believes monochrome tones better capture the atmosphere he seeks, free from the distractions of color, which he admits to having a complicated relationship with. Rather than seeing it as a limitation, he uses it as motivation to keep exploring the essence of photography through light, shadow, and form.
ExtraBall by besana
When you play a firefighter video in reverse, they look like terrible people.
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ExtraBall2 (Clicking on these links daily you support ALRNCN's work. They're collaborators or sponsors and, by visiting their sites, they like us even more)
Aurora will be closing out the week with her stunning homemade photos. Who is Aurora? Aurora represents all those women who wield their sexuality like a weapon, making us fall at their feet. Weak sex? We’re the weak ones. All it takes is one word from them, and we’re scrambling to do whatever it takes to please them in an instant.
Next time you’re at a store, remember—she might just be in the next aisle over.
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How could I not trust you after 50 years of marriage?
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The photographic duo Williams & Russ has been collaborating artistically since 1999, and in 2003, they launched the Photosensualis project.
Both photographers have extensive experience in the field, with a strong background in traditional film techniques and darkroom processes, which has allowed them to develop a truly unique style. Over the years, the pair has specialized in artistic photography, focusing particularly on nature and nude subjects. Their deep commitment to authenticity is evident in their choice to work with "natural" models and their almost exclusive preference for shooting with natural light.
Additionally, their diverse use of cameras—ranging from classic 35mm models to large-format 8x10 cameras—adds to the distinctive “flavor” and visual texture that defines the Photosensualis aesthetic.
Her first day at the office. Nervous. Hoping to make a good impression on her new colleagues.
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ExtraBall by walter
If you're alone, it's because you want to be.
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