Install EroticBeauties Strippers to get this exclusive erotic show of Anastasia Brokelyn.
Get EroticBeauties Strippers for free! DIRECTOR (Ethan): "Anastasia has amazing pole dance skills because she was à gogo for few years in Madrid ! We can see it ! She is also insanely flexible plus of course sharing the hotness and sunny / good mood with all Latina models we had."
Anastasia has a superb body… a really nice well-toned physique. Love her perfect little pink-nipple breasts. As a pussy connoisseur, I’m particularly excited with her beautifully formed neat trim clean looking pussy. So beautiful. So attractive. And the tat on her pubic area - Mine and yours – she’s damn right!!!
As for Anastasia’s sexy moves… goodness gracious great balls of fire!!!!! She is so damn hot!!!
Anastasia's movements are fluid and she is obviously a dancer - her thigh muscles are toned and superb. She is very talented on ther pole (the only problem is she works so high up the pole her head disappears on 100%).
Beatiuful smile, lots of eye contact (with - as noted in erler comments - occasional interrupts while taking stage directions).
I see there are a lot more shows scheduled for Anastasia. I can't wait - hopefully there will be a bit more finger action and a little bit of XXX.
The show has a couple of discontinuities in it, where she seems to look up for direction, and once replies to the director, before carrying on. Her eye contact with the camera isn’t as good as some recent performers and there’s a clip that ends mid-move – presumably an editing error. There are 19 clips including 6 of each of Pole and Table, 7 standing, including, in each format, 4min full strips and a starts-nude of a bit under 2mins. No in-out, glass or swing. The shoes stay on throughout.
The costume allows her to maintain a vigorous dance routine without restricting her and there are enough components for her to play with. She does well with absurdly high heels and it’s nice to see a show without platforms.
This show is at the core of what iStripper is about and is rarer than it should be – it’s a red-hot classic striptease. Love it.
I usually deduct half stars for brunette shaving and for tattoos but this small tattoo goes very well with her shaven bald downunder. This is a 5 star and I look forward to more in the upcoming weeks.
This Girl gets 10 Stars in My Book
Please come back again and again
Non Nude Table Clip 4 - Nipple Flash
Non Nude Pole Clip 5 - Full Breast Flash and Partial Kitty Same As Preview 2.
VR of her please she is ASTOUNDING.please forgive Type O's and spelling from this point on.
and wow what a tush xxx
I will be buying all of her cards when they release.
She's a boner!!!
Looking forward for more, especially xxx
Elle sais jouer de son atout majeur, c'est à dire son derrière, elle le fait bouger à merveille, elle ondule son corps et cette cambrure mmmmm!
Ma nouvelle favorite pour sûre.
Revien vite ma belle!
Queue nordique aime chatte ibérique!
Je mouille sur son cul latino!
Great pole performance!
Beautyful Girl!