Delving into the Surreal and Imaginative World of Photographer Christine Von Diepenbroek

January 8, 2024 by Brian


Discover the world of Christine von Diepenbroek, a Germany-based hobby-photographer, horse rider, and dentist, whose surreal and imaginative photography invites us into a realm of dreams and fantasies.

Early Beginnings

Christine began her photography journey about 30 years ago, focusing initially on landscapes and animals, then expanding to sports, people, and still lifes. Her early experiences in a photo club laid the foundation for her understanding of photography basics.

Transition to Digital Art and Photo Manipulation

The year 1993 marked a significant shift in Christine's work with the acquisition of her first digital camera, a Nikon D2x, and Photoshop 3.0. This transition opened doors to photo manipulations and collaborations, particularly in fine art nude photography. Inspired by Dali, Magritte, and the great Masters of the Netherlands, as well as Russian photographers, Christine's themes often reflect classical literature influences.

Creative Process and Collaboration

Christine's approach to photography is highly collaborative. She often creates mini-series with consistent themes, colors, and backgrounds, actively involving her models in the creative process. This inclusive approach enriches her work, allowing for diverse expressions and ideas.

Studio and Equipment

Her current studio, nestled in her living room, is equipped with a Nikon D3x, four lamps, and an array of backgrounds. Christine's living space, filled with antiques and various objects, complements her creative process, providing a rich repository of accessories for her photoshoots. She places great emphasis on capturing all photographic elements herself, avoiding the use of stock photos.

Philosophy and Goals

With a strong affinity for surrealism and a passion for Photoshop, Christine aspires to perfect her craft to a point where her compositions are indistinguishable from reality. Her equipment includes Nikon cameras, a range of lenses, a Gitzo tripod, and Walimex flashes, but she believes that the most crucial element is the creative synergy with her collaborators.

Role of 1X Community

Being part of the 1X community has been a significant aspect of Christine's photographic journey. The community has provided her with valuable feedback and inspiration, contributing to her growth as a photographer.


Christine von Diepenbroek's photography is a testament to the power of imagination, collaboration, and the continuous pursuit of perfection in art. Her work not only showcases her technical skill but also her ability to infuse each project with a unique narrative and emotional depth.

Check out more of Christine's work at her profile on, and find an interesting interview here.

  Categories: Artist Spotlight