Aliases: Carli at FTV Girls, Carli Banks at Digital Desire, Carly Banks, Carie Banks, Carlie Banks, Carli Torridart
Carli Banks is a 39 year old beautiful nude model from American.
Carli Banks stands 547'0" tall, with blue eyes and when completely naked weighs in at 108lbs.
Carli Banks is currently featured in 2 free nude picture galleries, with a total of 32 erotic nude photos in her nude model section here at Erotic Beauties, where her nude photos have been viewed over 115,280 times.
Country: American
Age: 39 /
DOB: November 16, 1985
Eyes: Blue /
Hair: Blonde
Height: 547'0" /
Weight: 108 lbs
Breast Size: Medium
Measurements: 36C-26-34