Category: Artist Spotlight (25)

Georgios Bero's Photography: An Elegant Contrast of Decay and Beauty

September 23, 2024

Our world is a whole of contrasts, and Georgios Bero is undoubtedly the one among artists who can capture those contrasts with their cameras. Georgios Bero is the master when it comes to taking beautiful nude photographs of women in industrial and abandoned locations, and the editing he does on his pictures shows just how powerful contract can be by highlighting the fragility of his models and their refined form of human elegance.

Less is more with black and white

While Bero does use color in some of his photographs, the majority of his work has it completely stripped. The ones that still preserve some color do so to display the beautiful contrast that his art is known for. By stripping away color, he shifts the focus to essential elements such as texture, form, and light.

These elements enhance the timeless quality of his work and amplify the resonance of contrast in his images. Without the distraction of color, the raw and unfiltered essence of both the model and...

  Categories: Artist Spotlight

Luc Stalmans - Master of Fine Art Nude Photography

May 2, 2024


As nude art photography increases in fame, many talents have risen to grace the craft, and Luc Stalmans is going to be one of them. This Belgian photographer defined his own path and made it clear the aspect he will focus on in this profession. Stalmans's work is known to transpire more than the visual image but capture his subject's personalities, emotional states, and stories that convey the models' expressions and poses. This aspect of his nude art works set him apart not just as a skilled photographer but also as a visionary in visual narratives. This blog post will take you through his background, technical expertise, philosophy, notable works, recognition, and future aspirations.

Biographical Background

Luc Stalmans is a Belgian artist who has explored different genres of photography. The date of his birth and stories about his earlier engagement in photography are not too public. He has expertise on various themes of photography that feature nude, fine...

  Categories: Artist Spotlight

Serhii Kovbasyuk: Capturing The Soul Through The Lens

March 28, 2024

Now is the time to explore the life and works of a Ukrainian photographer in the city of Kyiv, Serhii Kovbasyuk, who has successfully carved out his own path in the nude photography genre. More is coming about him, but what really stands out is the insightful and spiritual approach he has for photography, which will also be covered in this article. Kovbasyuk's work takes us through different facet of life to explore the human form and uncover the beauty that lies beneath the images. This blog post examines the life, art works, and the impact Serhii Kovbasyuk has on nude art photography.

Embracing Creativity in Multiple Forms

The birth of this photographer in 1985 was in the vibrant city of Kyiv in Ukraine! It is here at an early age that Serhii Kovbasyuk was surrounded with the creativity of music, visual arts, and choreography that will later shape his path as the talented artist he is today. Among all this medium, he finds the human form to be the best way to show his...

  Categories: Artist Spotlight